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Format | Data | TÃtol | Autor |
20 juliol 2017 |
New challenges in Rh(I)-catalysed [2+2+2] cycloaddition reactions |
Fernández Wang, MartÃ
15 octubre 2013 |
On the use of energy decomposition analyses to unravel the origin of the relative stabilities of isomers |
El Hamdi Lahfid, Majid
15 octubre 2013 |
On the use of energy decomposition analyses to unravel the origin of the relative stabilities of isomers |
El Hamdi Lahfid, Majid
On the use of energy decomposition analyses to unravel the origin of the relative stabilities of isomers |
El Hamdi Lahfid, Majid
8 febrer 2019 |
Rational design of bioinspired iron and manganese catalysts for the effective and selective epoxidation of alkenes and oxidation of alkanes |
Clarasó Petit, Carlota
10 març 2017 |
Reaction mechanisms involved in cross coupling processes catalysed by copper and nickel |
Rovira Coll, Mireia
Reaction mechanisms involved in cross coupling processes catalysed by copper and nickel |
Rovira Coll, Mireia
Reactivity of fullerenes, endohedral metallofullerenes, and nanotubes, and their possible application in solar energy conversion |
MartÃnez López, Juan Pablo
18 novembre 2016 |
Reactivity of fullerenes, endohedral metallofullerenes, and nanotubes, and their possible application in solar energy conversion |
MartÃnez López, Juan Pablo
20 abril 2018 |
Rhodium-catalysed [2+2+2] cycloaddition reactions for the preparation of highly functionalised cyclic compounds |
Cassú PonsatÃ, Daniel
21 abril 2023 |
Rhodium-catalyzed cyclization reactions of 1,5-bisallenes involving alkenes and alkynes: experimental and theoretical studies |
Vila VadrÃ, Jordi
13 desembre 2013 |
Structure and hydrogen dynamic behavior in proton sponge cations and organometallic complexes |
Horbatenko, Yevhen
13 desembre 2013 |
Structure and hydrogen dynamic behavior in proton sponge cations and organometallic complexes |
Horbatenko, Yevhen
Structure and hydrogen dynamic behavior in proton sponge cations and organometallic complexes |
Horbatenko, Yevhen
29 maig 2015 |
Structure and reactivity of endohedral (metallo)fullerenes |
GarcÃa Borrà s, Marc
29 maig 2015 |
Structure and reactivity of endohedral (metallo)fullerenes |
Garcia Borrà s, Marc
Structure and reactivity of endohedral (metallo)fullerenes |
Garcia Borrà s, Marc
23 juliol 2020 |
Supramolecular nanocapsules as platforms for molecular recognition and reactivity in confined spaces |
Fuertes Espinosa, Carles
28 octubre 2022 |
Synthesis and applications of large supramolecular nanocapsules: matryoshka-type masks, higher fullerene C84 purification and stabilization of metallic clusters and sub-nanoparticles |
Ubasart Clarà , Ernest
10 abril 2015 |
Synthesis of molecular nanocapsules for supramolecular host-guest chemistry and enzyme-like catalysis |
GarcÃa Simón, Cristina
10 abril 2015 |
Synthesis of molecular nanocapsules for supramolecular host-guest chemistry and enzyme-like catalysis |
GarcÃa Simón, Cristina
Synthesis of molecular nanocapsules for supramolecular host-guest chemistry and enzyme-like catalysis |
GarcÃa Simón, Cristina
20 juliol 2016 |
Theoretical study of water oxidation and reduction mechanisms by aminopyridine first row transition metal catalysts |
Acuña-Parés, Ferran
Theoretical study of water oxidation and reduction mechanisms by aminopyridine first row transition metal catalysts |
Acuña-Parés, Ferran